A professional poker player is everything, but you have seen it in Hollywood movies. Indeed, it is enjoyable, brings a lot of money, adrenaline rush, and more. But, it is never all rays of sunshine and cupcakes in the poker industry. So, if you are a newbie betting enthusiast who thinks you will make a great career with a lavish mansion within the first two months after starting poker sessions, then you are living your best dream.
But, here in this article, we will describe the actual situation of the poker industry and how much stress a professional bettor has to go through to ace the game.
Peer pressure
Gambling is a game of brilliantly lucky people. Only luck will not take you afar, and sheer mathematical brilliance can not promise you a perfect win rate. So, the situation gets frustrating after the first two weeks for most of the newbie bettors. And, it is the first key for you to establish yourself as a horse of the long run.
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You will need a lot of patience to get through the initial, tiring phase of your poker career. There will be good nights but more bad nights than you could calculate initially, and you have to make the best out of the situation. So, if you freak out very quickly and do not have excellent control over nerves, then it is time to rethink your decision to take poker as your primary profession.
Decision making
Usually, the cards distribute evenly in poker, and you will have your fair share of the good and bad cards. So, it entirely depends on your choice and experience to make a good hand out of the available cards. It takes a lot of consistency and experience to make the correct decision within seconds. Your opposition is only waiting for you to make a mistake and take advantage of it.
Peer pressure
If you are thinking of becoming a professional bettor, you better start learning the dual life. It is essential to keep the secrets in this industry, especially from your peers and friends. Poker games run on the strategies you make, and when you reveal your moves to your opponent, then it will not take anything else to leave you bankrupt at the end of the night.
So, you have to remember that making the perfect strategy in gambling is tough, but keeping it a secret from others is tougher.
Consecutive loses.
It is the most challenging part of being a professional bettor. Here, you do not get monthly salaries or yearly increments depending on your job performance. Here, no one cares how good you are at the table unless you make the right hands. So, it is prevalent to lose conservative matches in poker for nights and even months.
Here, you have to calculate the risk and benefit ratio and decide if you can afford to take the risk and chase the game. Otherwise, you need to quit now and save the rest of your investment.
Social stigma
It is another challenging phase the professional poker players has to go through even today. Poker or gambling is legal above the age of sixteen or eighteen in most states in the USA and other countries. But, a long history of criminal association and money laundering created a terrible impression on gambling among the mass people.
The scenarios are changing slowly, but it will take time for people to accept gambling as a full-time profession like any other job. You have to be very tolerant by then and avoid any mental stress.